About Yvonne Lee-Hawkins

From Burning Out to Thriving

As an HR leader and corporate professional with over 20 years experience, I went from chasing one achievement after another, burning myself out by serving everyone around me but me. I always thought, after this email, or once this task or escalation is complete, or once everyone else is taken care of, THEN I’ll have time. I always gave 110% at work, and another 100% when I got home to my husband and three amazing kiddos. I did ALL the things when I could squeeze them in, meditation, exercise, cold plunges, and even an ultra marathon. 

I didn’t realize it, but I was going into energetic debt. I lived on the edge of burnout for years. Until I did burn out. Then 10 years later, I did it again.

What I finally learned was that I had it backwards. That by taking care of myself first, I could give more to everyone around me. That I could do it all, just not all at once. I had to become a prioritizing QUEEN. Ruthlessly prioritizing, listening to my intuition when something was a “No” for me, and delegating where others could help (like kids doing their own laundry and making their own lunches or members of my team leading a project). When I finally did, it changed my whole life. So much so, that I decided to dedicate my life to helping others do the same.

Headshot of Yvonne

As Featured in business Insider

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